WHEA-Logger ID 47

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Posty: 1
Rejestracja: 27 sty 2022, 13:19

WHEA-Logger ID 47

Postautor: spidertech » 27 sty 2022, 14:02


I have a problem with my Windows Server 2012 R2.
For some time in logs there is a lot of lines about:

WHEA-Logger ID 47

„Fixed hardware error has occurred”

Part: Memory

source of the error: Revised memory check

ErrorSource 1
FRUId {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
ValidBits 0x0
ErrorStatus 0x0
PhysicalAddress 0x0
PhysicalAddressMask 0x0
Node 0x0
Card 0x0
Module 0x0
Bank 0x0
Device 0x0
Row 0x0
Column 0x0
BitPosition 0x0
RequesterId 0x0
ResponderId 0x0
TargetId 0x0
ErrorType 0
Length 873

Error is occuring every second. Memory was not replaced.
Memtest shows no errors. How can I fix the issue. Should I replace the memory?

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